There are several different varieties of cinnamon available commercially, but only one is known as cinnamomum verum, or true cinnamon.
Cinnamon has been a spice valued for millennia; from the ancient Egyptians to the Dutch East India Company, merchants and traders were well aware of the desire for the spice and sought to monopolize its availability. However, nowadays ground cinnamon may be found in every grocery baking aisle. Nevertheless, the cinnamon found in local supermarkets may not be the finest form of the spice treasured for centuries.
Cinnamon is produced from processing the inner bark of a cinnamon tree branch. There are several stages necessary for production, and the product which is produced is graded based on the size of the “quill”, or stick, of cinnamon produced.
The plant known as cinnamomum verum, or true cinnamon, is also known as cinnamomum zeylanicum, or Ceylon cinnamon (“Ceylon” referring to the name of Sri Lanka while under British rule). While the evergreen tree is also native to the western Ghats of southern India, as well as Bangladesh and Myanmar, the best cinnamon is believed to come from Sri Lanka.
Despite this, however, the variety of cinnamon most commonly found in the United States is actually from the plant called cinnamomum cassia, otherwise known as Chinese cassia or Chinese cinnamon. While a relative of the tree found in Sri Lanka, the texture and flavor of the cinnamon produced is quite different.
Cassia cinnamon tends to be harder and more dense than Ceylon cinnamon, and it has a stronger flavor when baked. Ceylon cinnamon, on the other hand, is more crumbly and has a milder flavor, as well as usually having a lighter color. While the market has shifted towards cassia cinnamon, Ceylon cinnamon is still available, albeit at a higher price.
All varieties of cinnamon have been used throughout history for their medicinal qualities, especially for treating gastric upset. However, Ceylon cinnamon is said to be healthier than cassia cinnamon due to the fact that it contains less of the compound coumarin. Coumarin can cause liver damage if consumed in high amounts.
The real issue with finding Ceylon cinnamon in the United States is that, unlike the United Kingdom and many other countries, both cassia cinnamon and Ceylon cinnamon may simply be labeled as “cinnamon.” Although the powdered form is hard to distinguish visually, given the price difference, it is safe to assume the more commercially available ground cinnamon in the United States is made from cassia cinnamon.